The Art of Marriage Course in Puli

We’re grateful that God led us to the ministry course named, The Art of Marriage, when we encountered some difficult moments in our marriage. After participating in two sessions of the course, we did find some ways to improve our relationship and see different perspectives in our marriage. Therefore, we were thrilled to introduce this course, The Art of Marriage (a series of six sessions from the “Family Life Organization” based in the US) to our worship community in Puli.

Last year, we held the course for the first time. The participating couples had been married for over a decade. After the course, they shared how it had had a positive impact on their marriages. Because of the participant couples’ feedback and prayers, we’ve been working with the local churches in Puli now, holding the second round of the course, The Art of Marriage, since September.

The participant couples now are pretty diverse. Some are newly wed, and others have been married for quite some time, one for over two decades. Though the participant couples only know each other through the course, they’re willing to share their thoughts. With their active contribution, the course is vibrant with great communication. 

Certainly, we feel God’s presence in the course, and learn more about how God speaks to us through our marriage. The participant couples don’t just come to the course; they actually put the course into daily practice. For example, after the session themed Dating in Marriage, the participant couples planned a date with their spouses. 

We’re truly grateful for God’s work in this course, and look forward to more renovations from God taking place in Puli, especially, breakthroughs for the participant couples from the marriage course, as well as for more people who are inspired to take action in honoring God's name. 


就在我們(John & Maggie) 面對婚姻裡的一些艱難時刻,我們很感謝神所帶領的新事工「婚姻的藝術」。









單單是這份新認知與接受,經歷「婚姻的藝術」,我們各自都有了收穫;課後的練習,還激起我們想要實踐所學的,比方說:去約會一場吧! :)
